Monday, March 24, 2008

Looks like it will happen

It appears that the FCC will allow the merger of the only to satellite radio companys. Everyday this field is changing and evolving. Even on The Simpsons they mention that. Nelson the class bully did his trademark..HAHA at a print journalist and said "your media is dieing." Thats crazy!! Who knows what this merger will mean for regular radio. This is something to keep an eye on as more things unfold.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Guitar Hero Is the Devil !!!

I love the fact that i finally bite the bullet and got guitar hero 3, but OMG this shit is crack! I cant put it down..this game makes me like more Rock music than i thought i could. Theres not much else to say...but i should be playing it and not making this blog post!!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Top Ten CountDown!!

here at the top ten reason to celebrate St. Patricks day!!

10. Lucky Charms make for good snakes
9. You can get away with wearing so much green
8. You can go clog dancing...whatever thats is?!?!?
7. You can dance an irish jig and look dumb cauase your drunk
6. You can drink green drinks and not be scared
5. You can go eat green eggs and Ham again!!
4. You get to talk with a crazy accent
3. You can support Notre Dame for one day
2.You get to call your self McLovin
1.You get to dress as a leprechaun!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring Break to Nowhere

While all of my friends are in Miami or Vegas or home... Im wasting away in Hampton, VA. There is a snowballs chance in hell that I may wind up in Miami myself, however im not holding my breath as it appears that chance in melting under Satan's foot. What really bothers me the most is that in my 5 college years Ive haven't had a spring break. I remember in high school watching MTv's spring break and planning on going somewhere. However because of my job with school i have not yet gone anywhere. And this my senior year it looks that it will remain the same......*pout* insert sad face here*