Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring Break to Nowhere

While all of my friends are in Miami or Vegas or home... Im wasting away in Hampton, VA. There is a snowballs chance in hell that I may wind up in Miami myself, however im not holding my breath as it appears that chance in melting under Satan's foot. What really bothers me the most is that in my 5 college years Ive haven't had a spring break. I remember in high school watching MTv's spring break and planning on going somewhere. However because of my job with school i have not yet gone anywhere. And this my senior year it looks that it will remain the same......*pout* insert sad face here*

1 comment:

J Short said...

I totally know what you mean! Sorry, I just stumbled on your blog and I couldn't help noticing that we're in exactly the same perdicament! I'm heavily involved in theatre in Memphis where I go to school and I haven't been on a spring break either for all of my college career (which this year will finally end!) On Fri, a bunch of my friends headed for Florida, South Carolina and the Bahamas and I'm stuck here with rehearsals every night! Lame! I totally feel your pain!